Hook up traduzione

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Although I must admit I happened to watch more than once those silly american reality shows where teenagers would go on social dates and then wait for the parents approval. It's mainly only used in the southern part of the United States. Hook up traduzione still like to hook up though. Mai che lui e lei si sono fidanzati. I've just had a small doubt. Things usually happen unspoken, and then anon the two people discuss what's going on. I remember that from watching Bridget Jones's Diary Am I correct. Like if I say I still remember all the people I used to hook up with when I was at College. I'd say the differences in the medico hook up depend on the placement of the indirect object. In America, dating is a very touchy subject, for both parties involved. After high school, however, no one really says that anymore, and there might be a cultural difference here.

I'd still like to hook up though. Но я всё равно не прочь переспать. They just automatically assume you want to hook up. Они думают, что я хочу просто с ними переспать And the car isn't equipped to hook up a trailer. Да и машина не оборудована для того, чтобы подцепить трейлер. So, you killed him because he tried to hook up... Значит, ты убил его, потому что он пытался подцепить... You know, mostly you just hook up and... Ну знаешь, в основном ты просто переспал с кем-то и... You can hook up the new cooker now. Ну вот, Гуннар, теперь можно подключать новую плиту.

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